Make a Movie (button; motion picture camera icon) Click to access dialog box (Save dialog box). Video (two pull-down menus) Select which camera to use in rendering. Select to render to Quicktime Movie, or to a series of Numbered PICT files. Audio Select to “record” No Audio, or Mixed Stereo Select the “record” quality (currently limited to 8 bit/22 kHz). Compression… (button) Access standard QuickTime movie compression settings dialog box. Make a Photo (button; still camera icon) Click to access dialog box (Save dialog box). Track Select which camera to use in rendering. Rendering Engine (two pull-down menus) Select a rendering engine; brings the rendering engine name to the top of the list. Click on the name at the top of the list to access the settings dialog box for that engine. Rendering Engine (pull-down menu) Quick Render Renders objects as solid wireframes (does not include shading, shadows, transparency, reflections). Hold Option key when clicking on the Still Camera or the Motion Camera button to render the scene in wireframe. Phong Renders objects as shaded solids (does not include shadows, transparency, reflections). RayTracer Renders objects as shaded solids (may include shadows, transparency, and reflection). AutoStereogram Renders scene as a random-dot stereogram — image hidden in a colored- dot pattern. Image is viewed by focusing eyes on a point physically behind the face of the image (the 3D image “pops out” when the focus is correct). A stereographic illusion contains a hidden 3-D image. Finding it takes a trick that needs a little patience. If you have never attempted to “see” a stereographic image you must first understand the process involved. First, hold a finger inches from your face and look directly at your finger. The two images of your finger will move as your focus shifts. Viewing a stereographic image requires the same technique. Place the picture just below eye level and concentrate on a wall or object behind it. Now raise the picture directly in front of your eyes, but keep them relaxed as if you were still focusing on the wall. Hold the picture still and keep your eyes in one spot. Wait for at least 30 seconds without moving your eyes. The image will eventually fuse together. If not, slowly move the picture closer to or away from your face. Another method is to hold the image against your face without actually focusing on the image (don’t cross your eyes!), then slowly move it away from your face until the image comes together. If you still have trouble, then you may be part of the ten percent that simply can’t see in stereo. RenderMan RenderMan must be purchased separately. Renders objects as shaded solids (does not include transparency, reflections). Default Settings (pull-down menu) Click to re-set the settings for the render engine shown at the top of the Frame Size (pull down menu) Select a frame size (resolution) for rendering; brings the selected size to the top of the list. Click on the name at the top of the list to access Modify Rendering Image Size dialog box. Modify Rendering Image Size (dialog box) Menu Item (pull-down menu) Select a frame size. Image Size (two data fields) Make entries (pixels) to determine the size/resolution of the rendered image(s). All images are rendered at 72 dpi. To get a higher apparent resolution, increase the frame size. For example: to get a 3’” x 5” image at an apparent resolution of 300 dpi: 1) divide the desired resolution by 72 (300 / 72 = 4.2); 2) multiply the final image size by 4.2 (3 x 4.2 = 12.6; 5 x 4.2 = 21); 3) multiply by 72 (12.6 x 72 = 907; 21 x 72 = 1512) Set the frame size to 907 x 1512 pixels Add/Delete/Replace (three buttons) Click to make the appropriate change to the Menu Item pull-down menu. Camera Type (pull-down menu) Select the desired camera type from the list. Mono Standard camera displays single image. Stereo Special camera displays double image. Stereo (red/blue) Special camera displays double, wireframe image (one red, one blue slightly offset). Image meant to be viewed with red/blue “3D glasses”. Panorama See the special portion of this CD devoted to QTVR for an in-depth explanation of QTVR technology, and how to create Panorama and Object movies using Presenter. Object See the special portion of this CD devoted to QTVR for an in-depth explanation of QTVR technology, and how to create Panorama and Object movies using Presenter. Render Quality Controls (up to six buttons) Click a button to toggle “on/off” for rendering. Each feature that is enabled for rendering will increase rendering time. This is the “global” control for enabling/disabling these render features; except for anti-aliasing, each can be controlled at the object level as well by accessing an item’s Cell Info dialog (double-click the item). Dynamic display of up to six buttons, depending on which rendering engine is selected: (left to right) Click button to toggle on/off for rendering. anti-aliasing shadows textures/shaders motion blur (only available from RenderMan rendering engine; MacRenderMan must be purchased separately) reflectivity transparency Environment Settings (button/color chit) Click to access Environment Settings dialog box. Displays rendering background color and ambient light color. X, Y, Z (numeric display) Display only of cursor position in the View windows. View Windows display quality (three buttons) Click to toggle “on/off”. Left to right: folder-level bounding box display, object-level bounding box display, wireframe display. Grid display/Grid lock (two buttons) Click to toggle “on/off”. Grid display Displays grid in the View windows. Only available in inches scale; beware of turning the grid “on” when the scene scale is much larger than inches. Grid lock Causes the cursor to snap to the grid.